Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mojave Viper

Today I went and visited my husband today at Camp Wilson with 2 other wives Nicole and Amanda then went again with Brittany! It was so good seeing my husband! To hold him, kiss him, hear him laugh.. I wish I could have brought him home with me! Well upon arriving home and getting on facebook i find out that some 3/7 wives are in an upheaval about us going to see our husbands! We only went out there because they asked us too and said they wouldn't get in trouble, which they didn't. Its sad seeing wives turn on others because they didn't get to see or talk to their husbands. I'm sorry but that is out of our control! I would love for all the wives to see their husbands, I would love for all the husbands to be home instead of in the field a month and a half before deployment. But this is the way it is sadly. I've had some 3/7 wives delete me and/or block me over this, and again this makes me sad! Arent we supposed to support each other? Be happy for each other? Be there to hold each other up when we are falling to pieces?? I want to do my best to support the other wives, invite them over when they are lonely.. give them advice if this is their first deployment, but they aren't giving me the chance to do so nor getting to know me! Or one minute they are my friends and the next I'm off their facebook because I saw my husband? Dont make me feel guilty for taking the opportunity to see my husband! I really hope we can rebuild these friendships or give each other a chance. We are strong women and we may have our faults, we may break, cry, be jealous, catty, mean.. what have you! But there is a time when we need to realize we need each other.. and if you don't agree with that than that's okay.. As I further my walk with God and I'm trying to be more understanding, more supportive and more positive, but its so hard when other women are doing their best to cut you down, make you feel bad.. As long as I know I'm not doing anything wrong my conscious is clear. as long as I'm being the best wife I can be and my husband is happy than I'm happy. As long as I'm being the best friend I can be, then I feel good. And as long as I'm living a Christian life and I have Jesus in my heart then I feel amazing, happy, wonderful! And as long as my daughter is happy and healthy, then I can clean the house later, the dishes can wait.. and the laundry will be done sometime.. My family is my first priority. I am proud and amazed of my husband. I have great amazing, supportive and positive friends in my life, my daughter is a beautiful handful and I'm living in the beautiful light of God and I cant thank my husband enough for bringing me back to my faith and for bringing so much joy and happiness in my life. I love you baby!
So girls lets stick together and get through MV and deployment, we are all going to need each other at some point.

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